PANICd Research Boards

PANICd Research Boards

A collection of information we have found and researched in order to teach our classes, produced our videos, produce our blog posts, or produce our podcasts. Plus there, is some really interesting information. We have organizaed our research boards by category and each board will contain videos, links to articles, images, newpaper clippings, and text. Some of the information is produced by us, while others may be linked to other respources.

Random Boards

Recent Update Log:
01/25/2025-Added new YouTube short to Clifton Webb
01/25/2025-Added new link to Clifton Webb
01/25/2025-Added new image to Clifton Webb
01/25/2025-Added new image to Clifton Webb
01/25/2025-Added new image to Clifton Webb
01/25/2025-Added new link to Clifton Webb
01/25/2025-Added new image to Clifton Webb
01/25/2025-Added new image to Clifton Webb
01/25/2025-Added new text to Clifton Webb
01/25/2025-Added new link to Clifton Webb
01/25/2025-Added new link to Clifton Webb
01/25/2025-Added new link to Clifton Webb
01/25/2025-Added new research board Clifton Webb
01/25/2025-Added new link to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new link to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new image to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new newspaper article to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new newspaper article to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new newspaper article to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new image to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new text to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new text to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new link to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new YouTube short to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new image to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new image to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new link to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new link to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new link to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new link to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new link to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new text to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new link to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new video to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new link to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new link to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new video to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new video to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new link to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new image to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new image to Bigfoot
01/25/2025-Added new Pinterest Board to Arne Cheyenne Johnson
01/21/2025-Added new Pinterest Board to Peg Entwistle
01/21/2025-Added new link to Teresa Halbach Murder
01/21/2025-Added new video to Teresa Halbach Murder
01/21/2025-Added new image to Teresa Halbach Murder
01/21/2025-Added new image to Teresa Halbach Murder
01/21/2025-Added new image to Teresa Halbach Murder
01/21/2025-Added new link to Teresa Halbach Murder
01/21/2025-Added new link to Teresa Halbach Murder
01/21/2025-Added new image to Teresa Halbach Murder
01/21/2025-Added new text to Teresa Halbach Murder
01/21/2025-Added new video to Teresa Halbach Murder
01/21/2025-Added new link to Teresa Halbach Murder
01/21/2025-Added new newspaper article to Teresa Halbach Murder
01/21/2025-Added new link to Teresa Halbach Murder
01/21/2025-Added new video to Teresa Halbach Murder
01/21/2025-Added new link to Teresa Halbach Murder
01/20/2025-Added new link to Teresa Halbach Murder
01/20/2025-Added new link to Teresa Halbach Murder
01/20/2025-Added new link to Teresa Halbach Murder
01/20/2025-Added new newspaper article to Teresa Halbach Murder
01/20/2025-Added new link to Teresa Halbach Murder
01/20/2025-Added new image to Teresa Halbach Murder
01/20/2025-Added new newspaper article to Teresa Halbach Murder


Research Board Statistics

Total Number of Boards 133
Celebrity Boards 20
Historical Event Boards 14
Historical Figure Boards 6
Legend and Lore Boards 6
Location Boards 6
True Crime Boards 71
U.S. President Boards 10
Total Number of Items 953
External Link Items 510
Image Items 187
YouTube Videos 95
YouTube Shorts 28
Text Blocks 70
Links to Google Photo Pages 4
Newspaper Articles 51
Autospy Reports 6
Pinterest Boards 27
Research Board Visits 6834


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