Information about Roscoe Arbuckle on Wikipedia.
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Roscoe Conkling 'Fatty' Arbuckle (March 24, 1887 – June 29, 1933) was an American silent film actor, director, and screenwriter. the youngest of nine children, reportedly weighed 16 pounds at birth in Smith Center, Kansas on March 24, 1887. His family moved to California when he was one year old. At age 8 he first appeared on the stage. His first part was with the Webster-Brown stock company.
Apart from the fact that he was overweight and thus nicknamed "Fatty," he usually wore bowler-hat and pants whose legs were too short. Rolling perfect cigarettes with a couple quick motions of one hand. Remarkable agility and dexterity, especially for a man of his girth.
I don't understand it. One minute I'm the guy everybody loves, the next I'm the guy everybody loves to hate.
A screenplay about his life floated around Hollywood for years but never got sold. At one point, John Belushi was considered for the role, then John Candy, then Chris Farley. All three died suddenly and the script has been shelved indefinitely.
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