PANICd - Paranormal Database PANICd - Paranormal Database

Historical Research

Visit to the Library of Congress

July 27th, 2017 03:56 PM

On 7/19/2017 Shawn and Marianne Donley from traveled to the Library of Congress in Washington, DC to perform research on various historical theories and documents.
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Visit to the Pry House: New Location Added

July 24th, 2017 03:43 PM

Shawn and Marianne from travelled during the summer of 2017 to several locations throughout Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and District of Columbia, and Michigan.   One of the stops of the Pry House, and it has earned it’s placed within the database.
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The "Messy" Mass

May 19th, 2015 02:48 PM

This past weekend, on our Haunted Spotlight (on Beyond the Edge Radio) we talked about the Tolomato Cemetery and one of the stories that we mention was that of the funeral service for a Bishop that went horribly wrong at the chapel within the cemetery. The following is a brief synopsis of that story.

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Amasa Stone - Ashtabula Train Disaster - Chestnut Gove Cemetery - Lake View Cemetery

April 6th, 2015 05:27 PM

On April 3, 2015, members from traveled to the Lake View Cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio for a photographic research trip.   On this trip, one of the goals was to find the cemetery marker for Amasa Stone.   Amasa Stone was one of the designers of the bridge at the Ashtabula Train Disaster.

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Recreating the Zapruder Film

November 4th, 2012 12:59 AM
There are not that many from our generation who has not seen or heard about the infamous Zapruder Film.   Maybe you did not know the name of it, but this is the film that captured the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963. 
Wikipedia describes the film as follows:
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Pottawatomie Massacre

July 2nd, 2012 02:10 PM

The fifth victim floated nearby as John Brown and his men washed blood from their swords in Pottawatomie Creek. Brown said that the killings had been committed in accordance to "God’s will," and that he wanted to "strike terror in the hearts of the proslavery people." His killings would provoke fear and reprisals -- pushing America one step closer to an all-out civil war.

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Recently Added Locations

Pretty Boy Floyd Death Location Clarence Darrow Memorial Bridge Arlington Elementary School Woodland Cemetery and Arboretum National Museum of the United States Air Force John Sachs Farmhouse Lincoln Square Gettysburg Union Hotel Gettysburg Gettysburg Hotel Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg  Soldier's National Cemetery Gettysburg Caretaker House Seminary Ridge McPherson Farm Doubleday Inn The Angle at Gettysburg Culp's Farm