PANICd - Paranormal Database PANICd - Paranormal Database
Teach's Hole
Teach's Hole
PANICd#: 1515
PANICd#: 1515
Ocracoke, NC - Teach's Hole is a shop where you can buy all things Pirate. It even includes a life size replica of what Blackbeard was believed to have looked like - though we would suggest venturing down to the Point if you want a ghostly look!

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Database Statistics

Curent Locations:  500 / 992
Current Histories:  660
Current Stories:  639
Current Claims:  2,526
Current Evidence:  156
Current Resources:  2,146
Main Page Hits:  716,567
Locations Served:  3,580,644

PARAPEDIA Statistics

Total Records:: 1,137
Total Articles: 81
Total Collections: 32
Total Factoids: 467
Total External Links: 110
Total Locations: 131
Total Photos: 3,277
Pages Served: 4,246,553
Searches Made: 3,492
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