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Ocracoke Island - Flaming Ship

Definition: The legend of the flaming ship off the coast of Ocracoke Island.

Legend says that every September, on the first night of the new moon, a flaming ship sails past the coast of Ocracoke. The ghostly light is from an old sailing vessel that brought refugees from the Rhine Valley to the New World in the early 1700s.

While anchored off the coast of the island, the crew robbed the passengers and then took their lives. They then set the ship afire, pulled up the anchor ,and abandoned ship. The vessel drifted out to sea, but the screams of its passengers could be heard for miles away.

No matter the direction or velocity of the wind, this fiery vessel moves swiftly toward the northeast, and is always accompanied by an eerie wailing sound.

The legend of the flaming ship off the coast of Ocracoke Island.
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Ocracoke Island
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