- Zebrina was a schooner-rigged, three-masted sailing barge, of 189 tons, built in 1873 at Whitstable, originally intended to trade in the River Plate. She was discovered aground on the coast of France in October 1917 with her crew missing.
Zener Cards - A deck of cards containing five characters, used to test ESP abilities.
Zermatism - A theory developed by Polish artist Stanislav Szukalski (1893?-1987), which maintains that all human culture derived from Easter Island.
Zoar Village
- Founded by the German religious dissenters called the Society of Separatists of Zoar in 1817 as a communal society, Zoar today is an island of Old-World charm in east-central Ohio.
Zoar Village, Zoar, Ohio Photos

- Photos by OurHauntedTravels.com in Google Photos
zodiac - An imaginary band in the sky extending approximately 8° either side of the ecliptic (the apparent path of the Sun, Moon and planets).
zombie - In Haitian and West Indian folklore, a soulless corpse reanimated by a voodoo priest. In popular Western culture, an un-dead creature that feeds on the flesh of humans, causing the victims to also become zombies.
zooform phenomena - A term coined by cryptozoologist Jonathan Downes which describes a supernatural creature resembling an animal.
Zoomancy - Divination though interpretation of the appearance and behavior of animals.
Zygomancy - Divination by using weights.