U.S. Capital Building
- An example of 19th-century neoclassical architecture, the Capitol evokes the ideals that guided the Founding Fathers as they developed the new republic.
U.S.S. Constellation
- USS Constellation, constructed in 1854, is a sloop-of-war and the second United States Navy ship to carry the name.
U.S.S. Hornet
- The aircraft carrier Hornet (CV-12) is the eighth ship of the United States Navy to bear the name. Six earlier Hornets date from 1775, but CV-12's greatest legacy comes from the seventh Hornet (CV-8).
UFO - Unidentified Flying Object. This term is typically interpreted as "alien spaceship", although technically it simply means what it says — an object flying in the air which has not yet been identified.
unction - An anointing oil used in ceremonial magic.
Unexplained Mysteries

- Unexplained Mysteries is a site which explores the unknown, the unsolved and the unusual. We cover subjects ranging from the mysteries of ancient Egypt and frontier sciences to the more controversial; such as conspiracies, metaphysics, spirituality and the paranormal. We provide a place to discover and discuss alternative topics and meet other people who share similar interests, as well as offer somewhere for those who have experienced phenomena first hand to come forward with their stories and discuss them. Unexplained Mysteries is one of the world's leading destinations for paranormal news, multimedia and discussion.
unicorn - A mythical horse-like creature with varying descriptions, but usually said to have a single horn on its forehead and possess magical powers.
Unsolved Mysteries
- Unsolved Mysteries is an American television program, hosted by Robert Stack from 1987 until 2002 and later by Dennis Farina starting in 2008.
Unsolved Mysteries WIKI

- Unsolved Mysteries Wiki is a collaborative website about the television series Unsolved Mysteries. Since host Robert Stack's passing in 2003 and the show's cancellation, fans who followed it have been clamoring for results and closure on several cases.
USS Cyclops Disappearance
- The disappearance of an entire ship and crew.