Lady Lovibond
- The Lady Lovibond (sometimes spelled Luvibond) was a schooner that was wrecked on the Goodwin Sands, off the Kent coast of south-east England, on 13 February 1748, and is said to reappear there every fifty years as a ghost ship.
Lake Champlain Monster - Commonly known as "Champ", a legendary monster said to inhabit Lake Champlain.
LakeView Cemetery - Cleveland
- Lakeview Cemetery, founded in 1869 by wealthy Clevelanders including Jeptha Wade, was modeled after Boston's Mount Auburn Cemetery as well as the historic cemeteries of France and England.
Landon House
- The magnificent Landon House mansion in Urbana, Maryland is an incredible repository of American history. Built in 1754 along the Rappahannock River in Virginia, the Landon House served as a silk mill for 80 years before being dismantled and moved.
Latest UFO sightings

- Information and news on the latest UFO sightings, videos, news and information. Our sections include UFO cases, UFO photos and UFO videos.
Le Prince, Louis
- Relatively unknown today, Louis Le Prince is the inventor officially recognized as the first person to record motion images on film, giving birth to today's motion picture industry.
Legend of Hells Funnel
- On the outskirts of Strasburg, Pennsylvania, there is a ghostly spirit known to haunt the rural surroundings.
Legend of Huggin Molly
- Generations of Abbeville (Alabama) children have listened wide-eyed to their parents tell the story of Huggn' Molly. They have hurried home on nights lit only by the moon's glow, certain they saw something in the shadows, afraid she would be around the next corner.
Legend of the Blue Boy
- The legend of a spirt that haunts Steven's Hall in Gettysburg.
Legends of America

- A website for the Nostalgic & Historic Minded. Exploring the history, destinations, people, & legends of this great country since 2003.
Lemuria - Legendary lost continent of the Indian Ocean, rumoured to be the original Garden of Eden.
Leon Trabuco Gold
- The Story about Leon Trabuco's Gold
Leprechaun - In Irish mythology, an elf-like creature around 1 metre tall.
Leviathan (1) - A sea monster referred to in the Old Testament (Psalms 74
Leviathan (2) - A political philosophy book by Thomas Hobbes, published in 1651. The full title is "Leviathan or the matter, forme and power of a common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civill".
Levitation - The raising of a body into the air without physical aid.
ley lines - Patterns and alignments of invisible energy said to connect various sacred locations, e.g. churches, stone circles, burial grounds, etc.
Library of Congress Jefferson Building Photos
- Photos taken at the Library of Congress - Jefferson Building
Lil Elizabeth - Twin City Opera House
- A story about a little girl that haunts the Twin City Opera House.
Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt
- Photograph showing Abraham Lincoln's Casket and Teddy Roosevelt in the same picture.
Lincoln Autopsy Artifacts
- The following items are artifacts from the autopsy of President Abraham Lincoln.
Lincoln Home Springfield Illinois
- Photos taken by Marianne Donley on November 9, 2016 during our visit to the Lincoln Home.
Lincoln Slept Here - David Wills House

- Our Haunted Travels article about the location where Lincoln stayed, slept, and finished off the Gettysburg Address.
Lincoln Tomb Photos
- On November 9, 2017, Shawn and Marianne traveled to Springfield, Illinois and visited the tomb of President Lincoln.
List of Paranormal Societies

- Online Paranormal Societies Directory: State by state listings of Paranormal Groups and Paranormal Investigators in your area.

- Listverse is a place for explorers. Together we seek out the most fascinating and rare gems of human knowledge. We write, we read, we learn—and in the process, we have fun. Every day we publish three or more amazing lists packed with as many new facts as possible. You will always leave Listverse smarter than when you arrived. Guaranteed.
Little, Mary
- Mary Shotwell Little, a 25-year old newlywed secretary at a bank in Atlanta, Georgia, mysteriously vanished after having dinner with a friend on the night of October 14, 1965.
Lizzie and Emma Borden - After the Murders
- Lizzie and Emma Borden's life after the murders.
Lizzie Borden - Net Worth
- Lizzie Borden amassed a small fortune during her life.
Lizzie Borden : Warps & Wefts

- News, articles and photos about The Lady, The Crime, The City and The Era
Lizzie Borden Alibi
- The following is Lizzie Borden's Alibi
Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast
- A bed and breakfast/museum located in Fall River, Massachusetts that is the location of the famous Borden murders.

- Documentary about Lizzie Borden and the murders.
Loch Ness Monster - A legendary creature said to inhabit the Scottish lake, Loch Ness.
Lockheed L-1011 Cockpit
- A photo showing the cockpit of a Lockheed L-1011
Lockheed L-1011 Inside the Hell Hole
- Close-up picture of the peep hole (circled) inside the "hell hole"
Lockheed L-1011 Landing Gear Lever
- A photo showing the landing gear lever and warning light indicator.
Loft, Robert Albin
- Loft was the captain of flight 401.
Lost Cemetery of Gettysburg
- Lost Cemetery of Gettysburg
Lost in a Desert World

- Lost in a Desert World is the autobiography of Roland Johnson as told to Karl Williams, a songwriter and novelist. Johnson spent much of his childhood at Pennsylvania's Pennhurst State School and Hospital for the Mentally Retarded. He became a leader of the self-advocacy movement and was president of Speaking For Ourselves, an civil rights organization run by people with developmental disabilities. At Pennhurst, Johnson endured all sorts of abuses, including sexual abuse. After Pennhurst, Johnson went on to become a respected public speaker and helped to redefine the public meanings of disability. He died in 1994.
Lowery, Red-Wine Robert
- One of the spirits that is haunting the Twin City Opera House.
Lowther Castle - Christmas Haunting
- A haunting at Christmas time.
Lucifer - The name of Satan before his fall from Heaven.
Lunkins, George
- Dubbed the "Yatton Demoniac" by the British press, George Lukins claimed to be possessed by seven demons that could only be removed by seven priests. His subsequent exorcism became one of the most infamous accounts of the 18th century.
lycanthropy - In folklore, the ability of a person to change into animal form. In psychiatry, the delusion of having been transformed into an animal.