Oak Hill Cemetery - Youngstown
- The origins of Oak Hill Cemetery go back to 1850 when a group of Youngstown residents joined together to form the Mahoning Cemetery Association.
Oakland Cemetery
- City fathers purchased six acres in 1850 to be a public burial ground for a young but fast-growing town that already had a population of more than 2,500.
Obiwan's UFO-Free Paranormal Page

- Ghosts, hauntings, true ghost stories, ghost lights (aka spooklights or earthlights), the Ouija, spooky urban legends, weird creatures, mysteries, and other strange phenomena: it's all here. This is a personal, nonprofit site owned and run for the past 20 years by one person without an agenda, open to stories from both believers and skeptics.
occult - Something that is hidden, e.g. secret or reserved knowledge.
Ocracoke Island
- Ocracoke is a census-designated place (CDP) and unincorporated town located at the southern end of Ocracoke Island, located entirely within Hyde County, North Carolina. The population was 948 as of the 2010 Census.
Ocracoke Island - Flaming Ship
- The legend of the flaming ship off the coast of Ocracoke Island.
Ocracoke Island - Ghost of Lighthouse Keeper
- The legend of the ghost of the lighthouse keeper on Ocracoke Island.
Ocracoke Island - Legend of the Old Diver
- A legend about the spirit of an old diver on Ocracoke Island.
Ocracoke Island - Mad Meg
- The legend of Mad Meg of Ocracoke Island
Ocracoke Island - Party Girl in Blue
- A legend of a woman dressed in a blue dress asking people about a party.
Ocracoke Island - The ghost of Blackbeard
- The legend of Blackbeard the pirate.
Ocracoke Island - The ghost of Theodosia Burr Alston
- The legend of the spirit of Theodosia Burr Alston.
- The Octavius was a supposed three-masted schooner, probably legendary and not actual. The story goes that the vessel was found west of Greenland by the whaler Herald on October 11, 1775.
Of Spooks, Proofs, and Truths: Reflections on the Mumler Spirit Photograph Case - YouTube

- Louis Kaplan, Chair, Department of Visual Studies, and Professor of History and Theory of Photography and New Media at the University of Toronto, outlines the trail of William H. Mumler
Official Eastern Air Lines Flight 401 - History, Photos, Survivors and Tribute

- A detailed account of the crash of Eastern Air Lines Flight 401 on December 29, 1972, including first hand reports, photos and video from survivors, rescue workers and journalists.
Ohio Ghost Story - 115 Years Old Slave House Haunted
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - 13 Years Old and Lacking Answers
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - 20th and Broadway
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - 3rd Shirt Same Hospital
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - A Birthday To Never Forget
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - A Child Ghost
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - A Fathers Sign
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - A Ghost Tail
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - A Hug From Beyond
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - A Really Bad Trip
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - A Shady Character
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - A Strange Sight
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - A Warning from my Mother
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Akron House and Crystal Blessing
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Angry Ghost
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Apparition On Broadway
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Attached in the Night Asleep
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Bad Ouija Experience
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Between 11pm and 3am
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Blurred Face
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Buxton Inn Experience
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Cast-iron Haunting
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Childhood Shadow Figure
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Clark Avenue House
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Confined In A Mirror
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Creepy Experiences
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Dead Letter
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Dont Be Afraid of Granny
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Early Memories
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Evil Looking Little Boy
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Experience at Findley Park
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Ghost Baby
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Ghost in Organge T-Shirt
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Haunted Barn
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Help From a Spirit
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Something Black Was There
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Ghost Story - Washing Hair
- A true ghost story from Ohio.
Ohio Paranormal Group List

- The Ohio Paranormal Groups List is a free service which lists Ohio based groups that serve client centered cases along with their website and contact information.
Ohio University
- In 1803, Ohio became a state and on February 18, 1804, the Ohio General Assembly passed an act establishing "The Ohio University." The opened in 1808 with one building, three students, and its one professor, Jacob Lindley.
Old Iron Horse Inn Photos
- Photos taken outside the old Iron Horse Inn in Harpers Ferry, Wva.
omen - An event interpreted as a prediction of a future event.
ONeil, Nance
- Born Gertrude Lamson - An American actress of stage and silent cinema of the early 20th century. Had a close relationship with Lizzie Borden.
Online Cemetery Records & Burial Indexes (USA)

- Directory of online cemetery indexes from DeathIndexes.com
oracle - A method of divination through contact with spirits or gods.
Orbsorb - A type of anomaly that appears in photographs, especially digital flash photography, in which mysterious objects appear floating in the air.
Order of the Knights Templar - A military and religious order founded in Jerusalem during the Crusades.
Origin of Santa Claus
- How did the kindly Christian saint, good Bishop Nicholas, become a roly-poly red-suited American symbol for merry holiday festivity and commercial activity?
Ortega, Gus
- Reincarnation: Ron Ortega and his wife had a baby that they named Gus. Gus Ortega. When Gus was about one year old and a half, his father was changing his diapers, then Gus claimed that when he was an adult, he had changed his father's diapers.
Ouija Board - A board containing letters and numbers, used to make contact with spirits.
Ourang Medan
- The S.S. Ourang Medan was a Dutch cargo ship, which according to various sources, became a shipwreck in Indonesian waters after its entire crew had died under suspicious circumstances. Skepticism exists about the truthfulness of the story, suggesting that the ship may have never actually existed, but has become something of a legend.
out of body experience - AKA astral travel or astral projection, the experience of leaving one's physical body and possibly travelling to a distant place.