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Ohio Ghost Story - Creepy Experiences

Definition: A true ghost story from Ohio.

Last night or early this morning I got poked relatively hard on my forehead. I live with my girlfriend who is a light sleeper sometimes but my eyes opened right when I received the poke to my forehead. I examined my girlfriend (who was sound asleep by the way) for a few minutes. She didn't seem to have moved at all what so ever. My eyes opened to where I definitely would have seen her move if she would have accidentally hit me, which has happened before. I got up to go to the restroom. I examined my head in the mirror and I had a red mark on the top left part of my forehead (6:13 AM).

To add to my story, I returned home from the gym this evening to find a Blu-ray disc laying directly in front of the DVD shelf. Now I keep the Blu-rays on the shelf fairly tight. There is no way that it could have just fell off.

Another thing that just happened no more than an hour ago, I have a PS3 gaming system. We were sitting here watching Netflix, the PS3 remote just a few feet away from me. In the middle of watching Netflix on my PS3, it paused. The only way to pause the show would be to hit the start or X button on the controller, which was laying right side up about 3 feet away from me.


Ohio Ghost Stories
db#924 - 91