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Ohio Ghost Story - Dont Be Afraid of Granny

Definition: A true ghost story from Ohio.

My Granny was a great person, who also liked to tease people. She teased my brother's friend, Tim, a lot.

I was sitting at the computer talking to my friends when suddenly a heard a loud bang. I went to investigate. I had to run out of the way, because Tim was running as fast as he could and he dived on the couch. "What is the matter with you?" I asked him. (Reminder: He was sixteen or seventeen at the time and I was about twelve or thirteen) "I...Just...Saw...Your...Granny!" He sputtered. "Where at?" "I was coming down the stairs and she was walking toward me!" I started laughing my head off. "Your a boob!" I told him and walked back to the computer desk. "I am going back upstairs when you go up!" He shouted to me.

One night, Tim told me that he was sleeping in my brother's room with the fan and light on and the television off. He woke up and the fan and light turned off and the television turned on. When he told my brother about this, he just told him "The power went off, Tim!" Tim did not believe him, because if the power went off, then how was the television turned on? (If that is possible for the power to go off and the television to go on, then please tell me so I can pass that on to Tim)

Tim also always runs away from her, terrified every time. It is priceless to see his reaction. Some days, I think that he needs to stop being afraid because he has been my brother's best friend since the third grade and they are now eighteen and seventeen. Tim does not come around that much anymore. They are still best friends, but he is rarely here. Is it because of granny?


Ohio Ghost Stories
db#926 - 101