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Ohio Ghost Story - A Ghost Tail

Definition: A true ghost story from Ohio.

Ever since I was little (As far as I can remember), there has been something following me. The first time I ever saw it I was 3. I was in bed and for some reason woke up. I looked at the end of my bed and saw a white cat tail going under my bed. (We didn't have any cats due to the fact they were not allowed in our apartment.) I was really freaked out by it and I screamed for my parents. They ran into my room to console me. They looked under my bed and of course found nothing.

My parents being parents just said I was dreaming. I know that I was not. Many times after that night I saw the white cat tail going under or behind things in the dark. I am too afraid to see if it just a tail or something more. Still my parents just said it was a dream. Even when I wasn't asleep and have seen it.

There are times that I won't see it for maybe a year at the most. I am now 26 and even now see it from time to time. I only ever see the while tail. It doesn't make any sound. It's just there. Always at night and I never know when I will see it, or if it's there during the day as well. It pretty much comes and goes as it pleases.

I don't know what it is? I don't know where it came from? I don't know where it goes? I don't know why it always comes back? I do know that no matter where I live I see it. I have moved 24 times since the first time I saw it. It is one of many things that I have seen that made me afraid of the dark. Even now I have to have some kind of light on to sleep at night.

A part of me wants to know what the white cat tail is. Another part of me doesn't.


Ohio Ghost Stories
db#904 - 100