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Ohio Ghost Story - Childhood Shadow Figure

Definition: A true ghost story from Ohio.

I was 5 or 6 when the incident happened. Earlier that day my friend, Whitney, had been over and we had been playing and a while later she had to go home. The details are somewhat sketchy about what I had been doing prior to what happened (I was most likely playing with dolls or something), but something caused me to look up and into the hallway. (I had the door open so from where I was, I could see into the hallway clearly.) The instant I looked up a figure went past my doorway (whether it was walking or running I do not remember) I instantly said "Whitney?" and got up and went to the doorway and looked left. No one was there. It was then that I remembered that my friend had already gone home a little bit ago. I never thought anything of it at that age... I was confused though.

I still, to this day, do not know what made me look up or what made me instantly think it was my friend, who I watched go by the doorway. I think I thought it was my friend though because it looked like her, shadowed, but it had to of looked like her... I do not think I would have said her name otherwise.

I do know that anyone else saw "her" even though mum and her boyfriend were like 20 feet away in the living room (where the hallway began.) I never told anyone about it until years later.


Ohio Ghost Stories
db#921 - 104