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Ohio Ghost Story - Blurred Face

Definition: A true ghost story from Ohio.

One morning I woke up, I kept my head on my pillow. I got up and looked at the time, it was 5:20 A.M. I have two Dogs. My biggest dog laid on the bed with me and my smallest dog was downstairs. I keep my door slightly open. I could see out from where I was laying.

My dog perked up and looked out in the hallway. He just kept staring and staring out into the hallway. At that time I took my head off my pillow again and looked out. This time my dog started wagging his tail. Then I say what he saw. It was so clear except for its face. The face was blurry. It had on a red shirt and blue pair of jeans. It was tall. I was so scared I put my head down.

By that time it was 5:30. I finally got up when my dog stopped wagging his tail and staring. It was gone. I was scared to go back to sleep so I got up and went downstairs. My dog followed closely behind. I ate breakfast and watched some TV. Then all the sudden I heard this sound on the floor in the kitchen. It sounded like footsteps (I have a hard floor in the kitchen you can hear if anybody is in there. You can even hear my dogs.) I got up to look in the kitchen then they were gone.


Ohio Ghost Stories
db#918 - 94