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Ohio Ghost Story - Ghost Baby

Definition: A true ghost story from Ohio.

This is a story my grandma used to tell me often. It was always a treat for my brother and I to hear, as well as some of my friends. This story takes place when my uncle was a baby, he's now upper 40s. It was my grandma and grandpa's first home (they live in Ohio, not in Indiana where I live), an old farm house on ground they sold to the county to build suburbs on. The house is no longer standing, although I think it was torn down long before the suburbs were put up, which was only 5 or so years ago - maybe less. I've never seen the old farmhouse so it was probably torn down before my lifetime.

My grandparents never used the upstairs in their house, they might have used it for storage purposes but that would have been it. They covered the stair door with a sheet and there were inches upon inches of dust covering the floor and stairs. My uncle was under a year old and could not walk at this time. He was sleeping one day and my grandma either heard or needed something from upstairs and needed to go up the steps. She pulled back the curtain and saw a set of baby's footprints and hand prints going up but not coming back down. My mom is younger than my uncle and wasn't alive at this point so it could not have been her. There were no young children in the house besides my uncle, who like I said, could not walk or hardly crawl. They also didn't have any pets or animal problems like raccoons.

As far as I know they never had another encounter with the paranormal. But Ghost Baby was always a family favourite story!


Ohio Ghost Stories
db#931 - 94