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Lizzie and Emma Borden - After the Murders

Definition: Lizzie and Emma Borden's life after the murders.

Lizzie and Emma Borden inherited a significant portion of their father's estate, which allowed them to purchase a new home together. The Borden sisters lived together for the following decade. Although free, Lizzie was considered guilty by many of her neighbors, and thusly never enjoyed acceptance in the community following her trial.

Her reputation was further tarnished when she was accused of shoplifting in 1897.

In 1905, Emma Borden abruptly moved out of the house that she shared with her sister. The two never spoke again. Emma may have been uncomfortable with Lizzie's close friendship with another woman, Nance O'Neil, although her silence on the issue has fueled speculation that she learned new details about the murders of her father and stepmother. No member of the household staff ever offered additional information on the rift, even following Lizzie's death.

Lizzie Borden died of pneumonia in Fall River, Massachusetts, on June 1, 1927. Emma Borden died days later in Newmarket, New Hampshire.

Both sisters were buried besides their murdered parents in the family plot in Oak Grove Cemetery.


The Borden Murders
db#806 - 101