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Zoar Village

Definition: Founded by the German religious dissenters called the Society of Separatists of Zoar in 1817 as a communal society, Zoar today is an island of Old-World charm in east-central Ohio.
Founded by the German religious dissenters called the Society of Separatists of Zoar in 1817 as a communal society, Zoar today is an island of Old-World charm in east-central Ohio. Stats for Location#: 1245
History Records: 1
Paranormal Claims: 14
Evidence Records: 0
Stories: 1

Founded by the German religious dissenters called the Society of Separatists of Zoar in 1817 as a communal society, Zoar today is an island of Old-World charm in east-central Ohio. Many of the German-style structures built by the Zoarites have been restored and are open to the public as Zoar Village State Memorial. Others are privately-owned, and serve as residences, shops, restaurants and bed and breakfast inns.

Visitors can experience the life of the agrarian Separatists by visiting the ten restored buildings (Number One House, Kitchen/Magazine Complex, Garden House, Bakery, Tinshop, Dairy, Wagon Shop, Blacksmith Shop and Zoar Store), which are staffed with costumed interpreters and furnished with items made or used by the Separatists. Some buildings are staffed, others open by guided tour. Volunteers give craft demonstrations during the many yearly special events.

Paranormal Claims

  • People have smelled coffee in the bookstore when none was being made.
  • Someone has been seen rocking in the rocking chair at the book store when nobody was around.
  • The owners of the book store have reported to be tucked in at night.
  • The ghost of an Indian was reported in the Cedar Mills Bed & Breakfast providing information about the Civil War and President Lincoln's assassination.
  • In the cobbler shop, now a bed and breakfast, people report hearing unexplained knocking on doors and footsteps in the hallway.
  • Voices can be heard in the Cowger House late at night.
  • In the farm fields balls of light several feet in diamter have been seen and sometimes chase people.
  • Items have been knocked off the shelves in the Inn of the River.
  • Patsy Cline music has been hear in the Inn of the River, but there are no Patsy Cline reocrds in the building.
  • At the Zoar Hotel, a party can sometimes be heard on the top floor.
  • At the Zoar Hotel the sounds of glasses clinking and people talking can sometimes be heard when nobody else is around.
  • At the Zoar School Inn Bed and Breakfast, objects mysteriously move and dog kibble is found in strange places.
  • At the Zoar School Inn Bed and Breakfast, some have reported hearing the sound of furniture moving upstairs when no one is on the second floor.
  • In the Zoar Tavern, there are many ghostly activities reported.



external link Zoar Community Association Facebook Page - Facebook page for the Zoar Community Association.
external link Page for this location - Detailed information about this location on
external link WikiPedia Page - Wikipedia page for this location.
external link Explore Zoar After Dark - * The Tin Shop: Built in 1825 * The Bakery: Built in 1845 * Number One House : More like a mansion! This Georgian style building was called the Kings Palace by some. It was the home of the Spirtualist leader of Zoar, Joseph Bimeler until his death in 1853. It also was used as an "old folks home".
external link Historic Zoar Village - Visitors to Zoar Village travel back in time to explore this 19th century German village along the banks of the Tuscarawas River. A hardy group of 300 German Separatists built their homes and called their town Zoar, ""a sanctuary from evil.
db#408- 114