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Gettysburg Moving Chain Caught on Video

Definition: Security camera footage catching ghostly activity.
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This Ghost Report is security footage from inside the Jenny Wade house in Gettysburg showing the chain moving by itself, then the door slams shut and a shadow figure is seen.

Mary Virginia Wade (May 21, 1843 – July 3, 1863), also known as Jennie Wade or Ginnie Wade, was a resident of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania during the Battle of Gettysburg. At the age of 20, she was the only direct civilian casualty of the battle, when she was killed by a stray bullet on the morning of July 3, 1863 while she was in the kitchen making bread for the troops that were fighting around her sister's house.

The house where she was killed is now a popular tourist attraction and museum called the "Jennie Wade House".

Wade was born in Gettysburg, and worked as a seamstress with her mother in their house on Breckenridge Street while her father was in a mental asylum. She may have been engaged to Johnston Hastings "Jack" Skelly, a corporal in the 87th Pennsylvania, who had been wounded two weeks earlier in the Battle of Winchester. He died from his injuries on July 12, 1863, unaware that Wade had died days earlier.

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Jennie was making bread for the soldiers fighting right outside her sister's house when she was killed. Shadows have been reported roaming the Jennie Wade house in Gettysburg.  This is the location where Jennie Wade suddenly lost her life. The location in the house where Jennie was standing when a stray sniper's bullet went through the kitchen door and pierced her heart.  She was killed instantly.


Security camera footage catching ghostly activity.
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external link Jennie Wade - Wikipedia - Information about Jennie Wade
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