- Every October, carved pumpkins peer out from porches and doorsteps in the United States and other parts of the world. Gourd-like orange fruits inscribed with ghoulish faces and illuminated by candles are a sure sign of the Halloween season.
Jackson, Martha
- In 1975, a man named Jackson Wright was driving with his wife (Martha) from New Jersey to New York City.
jamais vu - A feeling that a familiar place or situation has never been experienced before. The opposite of d‚j… vu.
James A. Garfield House
- Garfield acquired the home in 1876 to accommodate his large family. The home, named Lawnfield by reporters, was the site of the first successful front porch campaign in 1880.
Jefferson Rock Photos
- Several large masses of Harpers shale, piled one upon the other, comprise Jefferson Rock. The name of this landmark derives from Thomas Jefferson, who stood here on October 25, 1783.
Jenny Wade House
- The Jennie Wade house, originally the McClellan home, lived through the Battle of Gettysburg and witnessed the tragic death of Gettysburg civilian Jennie Wade, as she was preparing bread for the Union soldiers.
Jersey Devil - A mythical creature said to inhabit the Pine Barrens of southern New Jersey, USA.
JFK Assassination AP wire transmissions

- Copies of the AP wire as the news about the JFK Assassination unfolded.
JFK Assassination The first hour coverage
- The first hour of WFAA's coverage after Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas (1963)
JFK Christmas Card Never Sent
- A rare White House card from 1963 evokes one of the nation's darkest holiday seasons.
Jian Seng
- The Jian Seng was an 80-metre tanker of unknown origin that was spotted drifting 180 km south-west of Weipa, Queensland in the Gulf of Carpentaria by an Australian Coastwatch aeroplane in 2006. Photographs were taken and analysed at the Australian Customs Service, which dispatched a patrol boat immediately.
Jindal, Bobby
- 55th Governor of Louisiana who cast a demon out of a classmate at Brown University.
John Dillinger Buried Treasure
- The story about John Dillinger's
John Lennon and the Dakota
- Not only has the spirit if John Lennon been seen at the Dakota, but he also reported seeing an apparition himself before his death.
Johnson, Charles
- Charles Johns was the flight controller on duty during the Flight 401 incident.
Joseph Johnson House
- The Castle was built for Dr. Joseph Fickling Johnson by J. S. Cooper, a local builder, according to an agreement signed December 5, 1859.
Jospeh P. Ladd Center
- The Joseph P. Ladd Center is an abandoned mental institution on a 331 acre parcel. It was purportedly started as a school for misfits or mentally handicapped individuals in 1908.
Journalist Sid Davis Visits JFKs Air Force One
- Video of Journalist Sid Davis visiting JFK's Air Force One at the National Museum of the Air Force in Dayton, Ohio.
joy touch - A meditative technique developed by Pete A. Sander Jr. which is said to help treat various conditions including obesity, depression, paranoia and others.