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Ocracoke Island - The ghost of Theodosia Burr Alston

Definition: The legend of the spirit of Theodosia Burr Alston.
Theodosia Burr Alston was an American socialite and the daughter of the third U.S. Vice President, Aaron Burr, and Theodosia Bartow Prevost. She became First Lady of South Carolina after her husband, Joseph Alston, became governor of South Carolina during the War of 1812.

On December 31, 1812, Alston sailed aboard the schooner Patriot. The Patriot was a famously fast ship, which had originally been built as a pilot boat and had served as a privateer during the war, when it was commissioned by the U.S. government to prey on English shipping. It had been refitted in December in Georgetown, its guns dismounted and hidden below decks. Its name was painted over and any indication of recent activity was entirely erased. The schooner's captain, William Overstocks, desired to make a rapid run to New York with his cargo; it is likely that the ship was laden with the proceeds from its privateering raids.

The Patriot and all those on board were never heard from again.

Immediately following the Patriot's disappearance, rumors arose. The most enduring was that the Patriot had been captured by a pirate, and that something had occurred near Cape Hatteras, notorious for wreckers who lured ships into danger.

Over the years, individuals have claimed to see the spirit of Theodosia often in the vicinity of the Ocracoke Lighthouse. She is often seen in a long white flowing dress and is often seen wet with water dripping off of her and even with seaweed in her hair. Some people also claim to smell a strong musky smell when they see her as well.


Ocracoke Island
db#1173 - 154