A Ghostly Image: Spirit Photographs | Picture This: Library of Congress Prints & Photos
A Ghostly Image: Spirit Photographs. A blog post at "Picture This: Library of Congress Prints & Photos" on 2011-10-31.more...
db# 891
G is for ghosts... the birth and rise of spirit photography | National Media Museum blog
Colin Harding takes a quick peek at the spooky world of photographic ghosts, from the first accidental images to the charlatans of the Crewe Circle.more...
db# 893
Haunting Spirit Photography from the Age Before Photoshop
There is nothing new under the sun: the history of the photo editing is almost as old as photography itself. Spirit photography was first widely emplo...more...
db# 882
db# 884
db# 881
Of Spooks, Proofs, and Truths: Reflections on the Mumler Spirit Photograph Case - YouTube
Louis Kaplan, Chair, Department of Visual Studies, and Professor of History and Theory of Photography and New Media at the University of Toronto, outl...more...
db# 886
Part 1 - The Birth Of Spirit Photography
Part 1 of a 7 part series about spirit photography.more...
db# 870
Part 5 - Witnesses for the Prosecution
Part 5 of a 7 part series about spirit photography.more...
db# 874
db# 869
The Birth and Death of Spirit Photography
On this tour, we going to go back to 1861. Here we see Mr. William Mumler working as a jewelry engraver in Boston. He leaves his post for the day an...more...
db# 868
db# 895
The Mumler Mystery: A Gallery of Spirit Photography from The American Museum of Photography
Spiritualism in America--and more specifically, spirit photography-- was taken to court in New York City in 1869. The case: a preliminary hearing for ...more...
db# 889
The Strange Case of William Mumler, Spirit Photographer - Louis Kaplan - Google Books
In the 1860s, William Mumler photographed ghostse"or so he claimed. Faint imagesof the dearly departed lurked in the background with the living, like ...more...
db# 890
The Strange Case of William Mumler, Spirit Photographer — University of Minnesota Press
The story of the birth of spirit photography and the controversy surrounding its discovery.more...
db# 887
When Cameras Took Pictures of Ghosts - Megan Garber - The Atlantic
When photography was new, people used it to suggest the endurance of the departed.more...
db# 892
William H. Mumler and Spirit Photography
Pinterest Board - 1 : William H. Mumler was the photographer that started the sprit photography craze. This board shows examples of some of Mumler's ...more...
db# 877
William H. Mumler and Spirit Photography - 2
Pinterest Board - 2: Examples of Spirit Photography, a trend that was invited by William H. Mumler where spirits would magically appear in photographs...more...
db# 878
William H. Mumler, Spirit Photographs, Amazed Audiences With Ghostly Images
If you look closely at these photos -- and even if you don't -- there's more than a ghost of a chance that you might see what looks like spirits or ap...more...
db# 885