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Paranormal Theories

Description: This is a collection of various paranormal theories that are currently (and have been) being tested by paranormal investigators. This list is constantly changing as new theories are produced.

Air Ion Theory

Air Ion Theory

A theory that describes how electrical ions may change when a ghost or spirit is present.

db# 999

Alternate Light Spectrums Theory

Alternate Light Spectrums Theory

The light we see is known as "white light". It's really a combination of all visible colors of the spectrum. "Visible" being the key word. The total l...

db# 1013

Bermuda Triangle Theory

Bermuda Triangle Theory

The Bermuda Triangle runs from Bermuda to Miami, Miami to Puerto Rico, and Puerto Rico to Bermuda. In the Bermuda Triangle there are many unexplain...

db# 1007

Compass and EMF Theory

Compass and EMF Theory

This is basically the cheapest kind of EMF meter you will find.

db# 1006

Electro Magnetic Field Theory - EMF

Electro Magnetic Field Theory - EMF

The electro magnetic theory of the paranormal is that supposedly a ghost/spirit gives off an electro magnetic field which can be detected by Electro...

db# 1005

Energy Loss Theory

Energy Loss Theory

In theory some investigators believe that when a ghost is trying to manifest it will try to draw in any energy that is around the area.

db# 1002

EVP - White Noise Theory

EVP - White Noise Theory

The subject of white noise in the investigation of EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena) deserves a discussion.

db# 998

EVP Classifications

EVP Classifications

Here are the different classifications or grades of EVP's that can be captured.

db# 994

EVP History

EVP History

EVP is an acronym for Electronic Voice Phenomena.

db# 993

EVPs Where Do They Come From

EVPs Where Do They Come From

The following will document where EVps come from and their potential sources.

db# 997

Franks Box Theory

Franks Box Theory

The Franks Box is also known as the telephone to the dead

db# 1009

Motion Sensor Theory

Motion Sensor Theory

A motion sensor will pick up any kind of movement that passes in front of the sensor by sending out an IR beam.

db# 1010

Radiation and Microwave Field Theory

Radiation and Microwave Field Theory

The radiation theory is supposedly a ghost will give off some kind of radiation.

db# 991

Relative Time to Object Theory

Relative Time to Object Theory

The Relative Time to Object Theory is also sometimes known as the "Singapore Theory" (though how that name came to be assigned to this theory we a...

db# 1014

Renovation Theory

Renovation Theory

The Renovation Theory states that when renovations are made in a home or business that paranormal activity will start to pick up.

db# 1008

Shadow Figures and Shadow Beings

Shadow Figures and Shadow Beings

Shadows can be seen in both bright daylight or at night. Most often they are capture by photographic equipment (still photos or video) but have been s...

db# 1000

Solar and Geomagnetic Activity Theory

Solar and Geomagnetic Activity Theory

The possible effect of solar and geomagnetic activity on paranormal activity and ghost investigations.

db# 1004

Stone Tape Theory

Stone Tape Theory

The Stone Tape theory is a paranormal hypothesis that was proposed in the 1970s as a possible explanation for ghosts.

db# 992

Strobe Light Theory

Strobe Light Theory

The theory of using a strobe light to slow down spirit movement to your eyes.

db# 1011

Temperature Change Theory

Temperature Change Theory

The temperature theory is when a ghost starts to manifest, it can cause drops in temperature called cold spots or even cause a hot spot.

db# 990

The Phillip Experiment

The Phillip Experiment

Often people so much want something to be paranormal when it isn't they will convince themselves of the paranormal activity. This experience outlines...

db# 1012

Theory behind Limestone Quartz and Magnetite

Theory behind Limestone Quartz and Magnetite

Limestone, Quartz, and/or Magnetite deposits can supposedly hold information, such as an event in history, and when the information is released a resi...

db# 1001

Video Camera Tips for Paranormal Investigations

Video Camera Tips for Paranormal Investigations

The video camera plays an important role in paranormal investigating. Not only does it allow you to document the time and date of your investigati...

db# 1003