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Sachs Covered Bridge

Definition: Built in 1852 by David S. Stoner. On June 19, 1996, a flash flood knocked the bridge from one of its abutments. It was restored: over 75% of its original structure was used. It was reconstructed in 1996. The bridge was rededicated on July 21, 1997.
Built in 1852 by David S. Stoner. On June 19, 1996, a flash flood knocked the bridge from one of its abutments. It was restored: over 75% of its original structure was used. It was reconstructed in 1996. The bridge was rededicated on July 21, 1997. Stats for Location#: 1279
History Records: 1
Paranormal Claims: 6
Evidence Records: 1
Stories: 3

The Sachs Covered Bridge was built around 1854 at a cost of $1,544. On July 1, 1863, the bridge was crossed by the two brigades of the I Corps of the Union Army heading towards Gettysburg. The III Corps also crossed the bridge heading to the Black Horse Tavern. Four days later, the majority of General Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia retreated over the bridge after the Union victory in the Battle of Gettysburg.

The bridge was designated Pennsylvania's "most historic bridge" in 1938 by the predecessor of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, the Department of Highways. After a plan in 1960 to replace the bridge, the Cumberland Township officials voted to close the bridge to vehicular traffic, while leaving it open to pedestrians, on May 9, 1968. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on August 25, 1980.

On June 19, 1996, a flash flood knocked the bridge from one of its abutments and it incurred substantial damage; an iron bridge on the Marsh Creek was also heavily damaged and another destroyed.  A $500,000 restoration on the bridge was already in progress before the flood; an additional $100,000 was raised to repair the damage incurred.  The bridge was rededicated on July 21, 1997.  


Paranormal Claims

  • Several photographs of orbs have been captured on and around the bridge.
  • Photos of ecoplasm has been capture on and around the bridge.
  • Strange noises have been heard on the bridge when nobody has been on it.
  • Aparitions of 3 hanging soldiers has been captured by photographs.
  • Car batteries have been drained.
  • Cell phones and camera batteries have been drained.



external link - Information listed on
external link Trip Advisor - Listing on
external link The Spooks of Sachs Bridge - Note/disclaimer: I consider myself a historian and folklorist who collects Pennsylvania’s legends and lore. However, every now and then while out getting pictures I have had an experience that I cannot explain and this is one of those stories. Everyone knows that Gettysburg is haunted. Right?
external link Sachs Covered Bridge -    Crowned Pennsylvania's most historic bridge in 1938 by the highway department, the Sachs Covered Bridge may also be the state's most visited bridge. Just a few miles from Gettysburg Military Park, the Sachs (Sauck's) Covered Bridge was built in 1852 under the direction of David Stoner.
external link Haunted Sachs Bridge -   I don’t know what exactly draws me back to Sachs Bridge each time I visit Gettysburg.  I just know that I feel compelled to drive there and take pictures.
external link - Having lost at least 28,000 of his 80,000 men, Lee realized that his army was crippled, low on ammunition and food, and in enemy territory. Thus, explained the general, the army must retreat to Virginia.
external link Sachs Covered Bridge: The Most Haunted Bridge in America - Happy October! ? ? ? I decided to kick off the spookiest month of the year with a visit to Sachs Covered Bridge in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Whether or not you are a believer in ghosts and spirits, the story behind this bride is really interesting.
external link Everything You Need to Know About Visiting Sachs Covered Bridge - If you make a purchase from our site, we may earn a commission. This does not affect the quality or independence of our editorial content.
external link Exploring Sachs Covered Bridge near Gettysburg - Sachs Covered Bridge, also known as Sauck’s Covered Bridge, Sauches Covered Bridge, or Waterworks Covered Bridge, was built around 1854 and spans Marsh Creek just south of Gettysburg.
external link The Haunted Covered Bridge In Pennsylvania That Will Give You Chills - Ghosts of the past linger throughout Gettysburg. Many who have visited the historic town, famous for the Battle of Gettysburg, tell tales of apparitions and strange occurrences on the battlefield, of sudden rushes of cold air, and footsteps in empty hallways.
external link Sachs Covered Bridge - As are most things associated with the American Civil War, the haunted Sachs Covered Bridge is yet another on the long list of haunted structures found in Pennsylvania.
external link Sachs Covered Bridge - The Sachs Covered Bridge /ˈsɒks/, also known as Sauck's Covered Bridge and Waterworks Covered Bridge,[4] is a 100-foot (30 m), Town truss covered bridge over Marsh Creek between Cumberland and Freedom Townships, Adams County in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania.
db#441- 99