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Spanish Military Hospital

Definition: The Spanish Military Hospital Museum building is a reconstruction of a Military Hospital that stood on this site during the Second Spanish Colonial Period, 1784-1821.
The Spanish Military Hospital Museum building is a reconstruction of a Military Hospital that stood on this site during the Second Spanish Colonial Period, 1784-1821. Stats for Location#: 1001
History Records: 2
Paranormal Claims: 10
Evidence Records: 5
Stories: 1
The Spanish Military Hospital Museum building is a reconstruction of a Military Hospital that stood on this site during the Second Spanish Colonial Period, 1784-1821. Showcased in the museum are areas of Military Hospital life you would have experienced had you been a patient in 1791.

Paranormal Claims

  • Strange balls of light reported in the Ward room.
  • Voices and whispers heard in Ward room.
  • Footsteps are heard both downstairs and upstairs.
  • Bucket in Ward room moved across the room during a evening ghost tour.
  • People have been touched, scratched and even bit on more than one occassion.
  • Strange smells reported.
  • Full bodied apparitions have been seen inside and also outside the building.
  • Doors open and close by themselves. The front door has been unlocked by unseen hands many times.
  • Objects have been thrown at people.
  • People have reported getting physically ill near or within the surgeon's room.



external link Haunted Places to - This site gives some history and claims as to what actually takes place at this location. There are also some information referring to local legends.
external link Haunted American Tours - Here is an article about the location on the Haunted American Tours website.
external link Peace River Ghost Tracker Website - This website has a great investigation of this location.
db#450- 88