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The Dobbin House

Definition: Four Score and Seven years before the Civil War Battle of Gettysburg, (1776), Reverend Alexander Dobbin built a house to begin a new life in America for himself and his family.
Four Score and Seven years before the Civil War Battle of Gettysburg, (1776),  Reverend Alexander Dobbin built a house to begin a new life in America for himself and 
his family. Stats for Location#: 1278
History Records: 2
Paranormal Claims: 6
Evidence Records: 2
Stories: 1

Four Score and Seven years before the Civil War Battle of Gettysburg, (1776),
Reverend Alexander Dobbin built a house to begin a new life in America for himself and
his family. Today his home, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, is a colonial
restaurant where candlelit elegance, superior food in abundance, and gracious service bring back
the sights, sounds and tastes of two centuries ago. It consistently wins Mobil Guide's highest
area rating. The friendly hospitality of the Dobbin House extends to the Springhouse Tavern,
Gettystown Bed and Breakfast, Country Curiosity Store, Abigail Adams Ballroom, in-house
bakery and secret "underground railroad" slave hideout.

Paranormal Claims

  • A person has been seen looking out one of the windows on the top floor.
  • The fireplaces have turned themselves on to full flames by themselves.
  • Voices of little children have been heard saying, "shh, be quiet"
  • An apparition of a little boy has been seen sitting in the tavern on the floor as if trying to pull a splinter out of his bare foot.
  • The candles in the dining room will sometimes blow out on their own.
  • People have been reported being touched while visiting the property when nobody else was around.


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