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Wick House at Youngstown State University

Definition: The Wick Mansion was built in 1906 by Col. George Dennick Wick, president of Youngstown Steel, and his wife, Mollie. It sits at the intersection of Wick Avenue and Route 422.
The Wick Mansion was built in 1906 by Col. George Dennick Wick, president of Youngstown Steel, and his wife, Mollie. It sits at the intersection of Wick Avenue and Route 422. Stats for Location#: 1012
History Records: 2
Paranormal Claims: 8
Evidence Records: 1
Stories: 1

The Wick Mansion was built in 1906 by Col. George Dennick Wick, president of Youngstown Steel, and his wife, Mollie. It sits at the intersection of Wick Avenue and Route 422.

The wealthy couple didn't have long to enjoy their new digs. In 1912, the Wicks booked a cabin aboard the Titanic. Mollie was saved after the unsinkable liner sank; the Colonel went down with the ship.

Mollie returned to her Youngstown mansion, never to remarry. After she joined George in the afterlife, the house was sold to the Wellers. In the 1980's, YSU bought the property and turned it into dorms known as the Wick House.

Paranormal Claims

  • The front door will sometimes open by itself.
  • Lights will sometimes flash on and off.
  • The window blinds will roll up by themselves.
  • Lights that are unplugged will they will come on.
  • People experience and eerie feeling while inside the building.
  • An apparition has been reported being seen in the lobby.
  • Workers have seen a face staring at them from the second floor window.
  • Strange lights and sounds have been reported from within the building when nobody was inside.



external link Investigation Report - An investigation of the Wick House
external link 'Eerie' Wick House in Youngstown still holds mystery - Article in the Vindicator about the location and it's new occupants.
db#436- 127