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Athens Mental Hospital

Definition: The Athens Mental Health Center, in Athens County, is located on a hill across from the flowing Hocking River in Ohio.
The Athens Mental Health Center, in Athens County, is located on a hill across from the flowing Hocking River in Ohio. Stats for Location#: 1025
History Records: 5
Paranormal Claims: 8
Evidence Records: 1
Stories: 2

Among its more colorful ghosts is one Margaret Schilling. Her case is very strange and mysterious. What is known about her is that she was a patient of the hospital who was given a fair amount of freedom to roam. One day, in December 1978 she simply did not return. Although a search was conducted, no trace of her was found. Weeks later in January, her body was discovered in an old closed off section of the hospital.

There are two versions of how she died. One states that she died from starvation, the other that she died of a heart attack. Whatever the cause, there remained on the floor a perfect outline of her body. Many attempts at cleaning the stain have been made but it always returned. This has been scientifically explained by the fact that her decaying tissues were actually absorbed into the concrete. Another part of her mystery lies in the reason why she was never found. There are many stories and accountants of what actually happened. One account claims that she was a deaf mute. There also is some debate about whether or not she was dressed when her body was discovered. Also thrown into the mix is whether or not the door was locked. While these things are mysteries, they are by no means paranormal.

What really makes the story of Margaret interesting is the number of times her ghost has been sighted. Since her strange and unexplained death, many people claim to have seen her wandering the halls. They also claim to have seen orbs and lights in the areas near where she died. There are even rumors that a young girl was haunted by the ghost of Margaret.

Throughout the years, there have been claims of people seeing faces and lights in the windows of the now vacant building. There have also been reports of strange unexplained noises and voices within the building itself. Visitors have also claimed that they feel cold spots and drafts, and have heard footsteps walking the deserted halls.

Many different teams of paranormal explorers have gone into the building to investigate these disturbances. Using a variety of equipment, their findings have included cold spots, unexplained voices and screams. Although none of the teams has reached any absolute conclusions or proof of the paranormal, they have certainly added to the ghostly mysteries that surround this old building.

Paranormal Claims

  • An apparition of a woman named "Margaret" has been seen roaming the halls.
  • Orbs and lights have been seen near the location where "Margaret" had died.
  • Strange lights have been seen in the windows of the closed buildings.
  • Strange noises and voices have been heard within the vacant buildings.
  • Visitors have reported feeling drafts and cold spots.
  • Footsteps have been heard in the vacant rooms and deserted hallways.
  • Unexplained screams have been heard throughout the vacant buildings.
  • A stain continues to reappear where "Margaret's" body was discovered. Some say it was her impression left on the world, others claim it to be the result of cleaning the area.



external link Changes to the Asylum - Documentation on all of the changes made to the Athens Lunatic Asylum
external link Official Ohio Documents - Official documents and records for the facility.
external link Altered Dimensions - Webpage about this location on the Altered Dimensions website.
external link The Athens Lunatic Asylum “The Ridges”  - The Little House of Horrors - The Athens Lunatic Asylum today is used as a school and campus. But, will the students be able to let go of the building's past? I doubt it!
db#384- 74