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Barbee Hotel

Definition: The Barbee Hotel was considered a very high-class resort during Al Capone's time. He stayed in the hotel frequently, often clearing out all the guests so he could stay in seclusion. He always stayed in room 301 at the back of the hotel.
The Barbee Hotel was considered a very high-class resort during Al Capone's time. He stayed in the hotel frequently, often clearing out all the guests so he could stay in seclusion. He always stayed in room 301 at the back of the hotel. Stats for Location#: 1097
History Records: 1
Paranormal Claims: 7
Evidence Records: 0
Stories: 1

The Barbee Hotel was considered a very high-class resort during Al Capone's time. He stayed in the hotel frequently, often clearing out all the guests so he could stay in seclusion. He always stayed in room 301 at the back of the hotel.

When cleaning the rooms employees have smelled cigar smoke and when investigated it is coming from room 301. The bartender who has worked there for years has seen an old man sitting at one of the booths on several occasions. When she goes to get someone, he is gone.

People have reported hearing footsteps on the stairs, and in the halls above the dining area. Many parties when taking their picture will line up on the stairs. There are several pictures on the wall where you can see orbs of light in the background behind the group. Many other celebrities stayed there as well. Rita Hayworth was said to go and stay in her room for days at a time. When you drive by the area of the hotel she stayed in late at night sometimes you can see a faint light.

Paranormal Claims

  • Cigar smoke has been smelled coming from room 301.
  • An apparition of an old man has been seen sitting in the bar area.
  • Footsteps have been heard on the stairs.
  • Footsteps have been heard in the halls above the dining area.
  • Orbs have appeared in photographs.
  • A woman has been heard crying at night.
  • Cold spots have been felt throughout the hotel.



external link History and Folkare about the Barbee Area - An investigative write up by Mary Lee Willman about the Barbee Area,
external link Review of Location - A blog post by Rick Garrett reviewing this location.
external link - Post on website about this location.
db#406- 128