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Cleveland Grays Armory Museum

Definition: Grays Armory is an historic building in Cleveland, Ohio. It was built by the Cleveland Grays, a private military company which was founded in 1837.This is one of the oldest standing buildings in downtown Cleveland.
Grays Armory is an historic building in Cleveland, Ohio. It was built by the Cleveland Grays, a private military company which was founded in 1837.This is one of the oldest standing buildings in downtown Cleveland. Stats for Location#: 1302
History Records: 1
Paranormal Claims: 4
Evidence Records: 0
Stories: 0
Since 1837 when 118 brave men adopted the motto, "Semper Paratus," (Always Prepared) and where chartered in as an independent militia the Cleveland Grays and their friends have made history. From 1792 to 1903 state and federal law authorized independent militias, private volunteer groups that supplemented the official state militia, and served the community in all the ways that the National Guard does today. The Richardsonian Romanesque Revival-style Armory was built in 1893. Within its imposing walls the armory has also made history by hosting Cleveland's finest events and its people. Including the first concert by John Phillip Sousa and Cleveland's first Auto Show.

Paranormal Claims

  • People have reported seeing a woman in white that appears by the piano.
  • Various apparitions have been reported throughout the building.
  • People have reported hearing voices when nobody else was around.
  • Strange footsteps have been heard throughout the building.



external link Wikipedia Page - Wikipedia page for this location.
external link News Channel 5 - News article about this location.
db#521- 125