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Desert Sands Motel

Definition: Built in 1957, the Desert Sands was considered a first-class establishment with a fancy roadside sign. Now it's in a rundown neighborhood, just a cheap place for drifters to hide out ... with a fancy vintage roadside sign.
Built in 1957, the Desert Sands was considered a first-class establishment with a fancy roadside sign. Now it's in a rundown neighborhood, just a cheap place for drifters to hide out ... with a fancy vintage roadside sign. Stats for Location#: 1095
History Records: 1
Paranormal Claims: 9
Evidence Records: 0
Stories: 0

Built in 1957, the Desert Sands was considered a first-class establishment with a fancy roadside sign. Now it's in a rundown neighborhood, just a cheap place for drifters to hide out ... with a fancy vintage roadside sign. The sign is well documented by travel photojournalists.

The motel is gritty and unique, making it the perfect location for two of the film's most memorable scenes. First, Moss falls from grace by flirting with a woman who's not his wife and ends up gunned down. Second, Sheriff Ed Tom Bell (Tommy Lee Jones), who's been investigating the trail of dead bodies left behind by Chigurh, travels to the crime scene, room 114, and it seems like there will be a second gun battle -- between the sheriff and Chigurh -- but the killer vanishes like a ghost.

Fun Fact:
Room 109 is considered by many paranormal websites to be one of the most haunted places in New Mexico. People who rent the room claim they were watched by unseen eyes, that their hair was pulled by something unseen, that growling emanated from the bathroom, or that the TV turned on by itself.

Paranormal Claims

  • Cold spots are reported in serveral places of the hotel.
  • Strange voices have been heard from some of the room's bathrooms.
  • Faucets in the bathrooms have came on by themselves.
  • Once person has claimed that the television kept turning on and off on its own, with a new channel coming on each time
  • People have reported their rooms unlocking from the inside.
  • People have reported feelings of being watched or studied.
  • Small objects have been reported to move from one location to another.
  • People have heard a low grunting sound, and at times, a high-pitched howl.
  • One particularly chilling report is that some people claim that they have had their hair pulled or back touched while taking a shower in one of the motel’s rooms.



external link Haunted New Mexico: Alburquerque's Desert Sands Motel - Article about hauntings within this location.
db#391- 108