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Franklin Castle

Definition: The house was built in 1881 by architects Cudell and Richardson for Hannes Tiedemann, a German immigrant, and has a horrific past, as well as, some ghostly stories.
The house was built in 1881 by architects Cudell and Richardson for Hannes Tiedemann, a German immigrant, and has a horrific past, as well as, some ghostly stories. Stats for Location#: 1306
History Records: 1
Paranormal Claims: 7
Evidence Records: 0
Stories: 1

The house was built in 1881 by architects Cudell & Richardson for Hannes Tiedemann, a German immigrant. On January 15, 1891, Tiedemann's fifteen-year-old daughter Emma succumbed to diabetes. The house saw its second death not long afterwards when Tiedemann's elderly mother, Wiebeka, died. During the next three years the Tiedemanns would bury three more children, giving rise to speculation that there was more to the deaths than met the eye.

To distract his wife, Luise, from these tragedies, Tiedemann began extensive construction on the home, adding a ballroom which runs the length of the house in the fourth floor of the manor. Also during this building, turrets and gargoyles were added to the edifice's facade, giving the house an even more pronounced "castle" appearance.

It is rumored that there were hidden rooms and passageways that were used for bootlegging during Prohibition. Though rumored, none of these rooms or passageways exist other than a small stairway used by servants from the kitchen to the front door.

Luise Tiedemann died from a liver disease on March 24, 1895, at the age of fifty-seven. Hannes sold the house to the Mullhauser family, and by 1908 he and the entire Tiedemann family were dead, leaving no one to inherit his considerable personal wealth.

Rumors of crimes committed in the house by Tiedemann (including sexual indiscretions and murder) have contributed to Franklin Castle's reputation as a haunted house.

Paranormal Claims

  • Strange noises have been heard coming form empty rooms.
  • Strange noises have been heard coming from inside the walls.
  • Sounds of children crying have been heard.
  • Faces suddenly materialize in the woodwork.
  • Chandeliers have been reported to spin by themselves.
  • Cold spots throughout the building have been reported.
  • Mysterious ectoplasm have been seen and photographed.



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external link Forgotten Ohio - Webpage for this location on Forgotten Ohio.
external link Weird USA - Web page about this location on Weird USA.
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