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Henry H. Stambaugh Auditorium

Definition: Henry H. Stambaugh, local industrialist and philanthropist, bequeathed to the people of Youngstown and the surrounding areas a magnificent structure on what was then the northernmost part of Youngstown.
Henry H. Stambaugh, local industrialist and philanthropist, bequeathed to the people of Youngstown and the surrounding areas a magnificent structure on what was then the northernmost part of Youngstown. Stats for Location#: 1041
History Records: 2
Paranormal Claims: 5
Evidence Records: 0
Stories: 1

Henry H. Stambaugh, local industrialist and philanthropist, bequeathed to the people of Youngstown and the surrounding areas a magnificent structure on what was then the northernmost part of Youngstown.

Built at a cost of less than two million dollars, the Auditorium was intended to be used for the enjoyment, pleasure, entertainment and education of the community. Henry Stambaugh's will specified that control of the auditorium be in the hands of a Board of Trustees made up of local business leaders, a practice that continues to the present.

Paranormal Claims

  • The apparition of a former janitor who passed away within the building is reported being seen on the second floor and within the second floor ladies restroom.
  • Henry H. Stambaugh apparition has been reported being seen in photographs taken within the building.
  • Shadow figures have been reported around the main entrance area and the grand staircase.
  • Organ music has been heard late at night when employees are getting ready to leave.
  • The apparition of a man dressed in a suit looking like Henry Stambaugh has been seen in the balcony by an entire dance team performing on stage.



external link Find a Grave Record: Henry H. Stambaugh - Find a grave record for Henry H. Stambaugh.
external link All Things Youngstown - Biography of Henry H. Stambaugh
external link Metro Monthly - Article about Stambaugh Auditorium with photos.
external link Colnell Alumni News - H.H. Stambuagh Obit - Obituary for Henry Hamilton Stambugh in the Colnell Alumni News
external link Basic Seating Plan - Basic Seating Plan
external link Some say Stambaugh spirit still lives in auditorium - - A temple of sandstone, nearly 100-years-old, drips in luxury and detail.  This article discusses some of the paranormal activity within the building.
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