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High Aim 6

Definition: High Aim 6 left the port of Liuchiu in southern Taiwan on 31 October 2002, and was then found without its crew, drifting in Australian waters, on 8 January 2003. The owner of the ship, Tsai Huang Shueh-er, spoke last with the captain in December 2002. The vessel was registered in Taiwan and flew under an Indonesian flag. While the only member of the Indonesian crew who could be tracked down admitted that the captain Chen Tai-cheng and the engineer Lin Chung-li had been murdered, what happened exactly and the motive for mutiny remain unclear
Murder, mutiny and rotting fish - the story of the High Aim 6 is a strange one. This Taiwanese ship was found drifting in Australian waters without its crew in 2003, though plenty of fuel and provisions remained onboard, along with the crew's personal belongings and a hold full of stinky seafood. A forensic examination could find no sign of a struggle, and a search of 7,300 nautical miles turned up no clues - but 10 days after the ship was discovered, calls were still being made from Indonesia on the cell phone of the ship's missing engineer. The only crew member ever tracked down claimed that the captain and engineer were murdered and the crew headed back to their homes, but no reason was ever given.


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