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Indigo Lake

Definition: Originally the site of Gray''s Quarry, a gravel and sand pit, Indigo Lake came under the responsibilities of the National Park Service on December 27, 1974, with the creation of the Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area.
Originally the site of Gray''s Quarry, a gravel and sand pit, Indigo Lake came under the responsibilities of the National Park Service on December 27, 1974, with the creation of the Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area. Stats for Location#: 2113
History Records: 2
Paranormal Claims: 7
Evidence Records: 0
Stories: 2

Paranormal Claims

  • Many people have reported the feeling of being watched by some unknown presence.
  • Investigators have reported the strong smell of lasagna.
  • Investigators have reported the sounds of gun shots.
  • Investigators have reported the sound of a woman screaming.
  • Investigators have reported the feeling that some kind of a battle once took place at this location.
  • Investigators have reported the feeling of sadness.
  • Investigators have reported the sense of a small Native American woman who roams the area and is sad.



external link Wikipedia Entry - Wikipedia entry for this location.
external link Investigation Information - Investigation information about this location.
external link Indigo Lake - Hauntings | Ohio Forgotten - This isolated lake was once a quarry and there is still old mining machines at the bottom of the lake. Also, the area surrounding the lake has been used for thousands of years by various Native American tribes, including the Erie and Hopewell. Could it be that they love this area so much that they
external link Indigo Lake Station - Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad passengers can get on and off the train at Indigo Lake Station. The small, bucolic lake was once a sand and gravel mine. Paths lead around the lake and over to Howe Meadow, the park’s special events site.
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