To-day wakes are held pretty much as they always have been. The wake will traditionally be held in the home of the deceased or at the home of a close relative; this is known as the wake house. A room will be prepared for the deceased, in the past it would have been a parlor but more often these days a bedroom is used.
After death a window is opened to allow the spirit of the deceased to leave the house, no-one must stand or block the path to the window as this may prevent the spirit from leaving and will bring misfortune to the person who blocks the route. After two hours the window should be closed as this will prevent the spirit from re-entering.
The body is washed and dressed; in times gone by they would have been clothed in white. If the deceased was a male he would have been freshly shaved. This is known as being 'laid out'. A rosary is then wrapped around the hands and a cross placed around the neck depending on the religion of the deceased. Candles are placed at the head and foot of the coffin and remain lit while the deceased is still present in the house. Family members or close friends will stay with the deceased at all times taking it in shifts to watch over the departed. All clocks in the house will be stopped at the time the person died and all mirrors will be covered or turned to face the wall as a mark of respect. Also, traditionally all the curtains will be closed.
In earlier times 'keening' would have taken place. This is when the women family members would cry and wail over the deceased. This took place after the body had been laid out, if the women started 'keening' before the body was 'laid-out' it would invoke evil spirits. 'Keening' would have carried on for some time. One wonders if this has some bearing in the legend of the banshee. To-day 'keening' has faded out of Irish funerals.
Although death is a sad occasion a traditional wake is seldom solemn. Friends and family alike gather and share memories and funny stories about the deceased. Food and drink is always present and although the church tried to ban alcohol from wakes it was unsuccessful. You can always spot a wake house as the men tend to congregate outside if the weather is good. The women will be in the kitchen making tea, sandwiches and washing the dishes. Friends and neighbours will bring a cake or a plate of sandwiches to help out as wake houses do tend to get very busy with a constant stream of visitors.
The visitors will on entering the house be met by a close family member when they have offered their condolences they are then taken into the room where the deceased is. They will then go to the coffin and stand for a few minutes paying their respects or saying a prayer. They will then be taken into the other room and offered refreshments.
Depending on religion the rosary is said twice a day with everyone in the house present to say the responses. There is a special rosary for the dead and it is traditionally said around midnight before the visitors leave.
About Funeral Wakes Irish Wakes Irish Wake Customs and Traditions The Legends of the Irish Banshee Irish Superstitions Concern in the Dead Irish Wake Rituals - 2 Irish Wake Games