Radiation and Microwave Field Theory
- The radiation theory is supposedly a ghost will give off some kind of radiation.
Rahn, Laureen
- Laureen Rahn, a 14-year old girl from Manchester, New Hampshire, was last seen on the evening of April 26, 1980 during a get-together at her apartment with two friends.
Railroad Switchman Lee Bowers Interview
- Lee Edward Bowers Jr. was a witness to the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963.
Raposa, Beverly
- A flight attendant who was aboard the plane during the crash. Beverly did several heroic things such as sing Christmas carols to help keep survivors calm, and to tell everyone not to light a match due to the smell of jet fuel.
rappings - The knocking sounds apparently produced by spirits in response to questions during a seance.
Real Haunts

- Are you looking for a haunted house? We are working hard to create the most complete library of haunted houses, spooky stories, ghostly tales and all things paranormal.
reincarnation - The belief in continuity of life through the rebirth of the soul in a new body.
Relative Time to Object Theory
- The Relative Time to Object Theory is also sometimes known as the "Singapore Theory" (though how that name came to be assigned to this theory we are not aware).
remote viewing - Seeing or perceiving objects or locations at a distance, using only the mind, or through an out-of-body experience.
Renovation Theory
- The Renovation Theory states that when renovations are made in a home or business that paranormal activity will start to pick up.
Repo, Donald Louis
- Engineer and second officer of Flight 401
Riley Center - The Grand Opera House
- In the late 19th Century, a partnership consisting of businessmen I. Marks and his half-brothers, Levi, Sam, and Marx Rothenberg, made a decision to expand their retail operations by opening a swank new wholesale and retail mercantile store.
Ripleys Believe It or Not
- Ripley's Believe It or Not! is a franchise, founded by Robert Ripley, which deals in bizarre events and items so strange and unusual that readers might question the claims.
River Styx Bridge
- The story of a mysterious train accident, and how it returned.
Robert The Doll
- Robert the Doll is the ultimate child's nightmare.
Roberts, Leah
- In March of 2000, 23-year old college student Leah Roberts left on a road trip from her home in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Romanov, Anastasia
- The story of the grand duchess of Russia from 1917.
Rosicrucians - Members of The Order of the Rosy Cross, an esoteric society founded in medieval Europe.
runes - Ancient Norse and Germanic alphabet which has been associated with various mystical arts.
Russell, Alice
- Alice Manely Russell (1852-1941) moved with her family to Fall River in 1873. Upon her father's death in 1878, she moved to 96 Second Street, next door to the Borden family, and was quite friendly with them for the twelve years leading up to the murders.