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Moss Mansion

Definition: The Moss Mansion Historic House Museum is located in Billings, Montana on 914 Division St. It is a turn of the century, red-stoned mansion built by P.B. Moss.
The Moss Mansion Historic House Museum is located in Billings, Montana on 914 Division St. It is a turn of the century, red-stoned mansion built by P.B. Moss. Stats for Location#: 1086
History Records: 2
Paranormal Claims: 10
Evidence Records: 1
Stories: 2

The Moss Mansion Historic House Museum is located in Billings, Montana on 914 Division St. It is a turn of the century, red-stoned mansion built by P.B. Moss, who moved to Billings from Paris, Missouri. It was inhabited solely by Mr. and Mrs. Moss, their six children, and 3 servants until 1984. The house was built for a cost of $105,000, when most homes averaged about $3000. It has 28 rooms, and is 60 feet (18 m) square. It rises 45 feet (14 m) into the air.

The Mansion is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Visitors can still see the original furniture, draperies, carpets and fixtures during a one-hour guided tour. Seasonal exhibits are also featured. The Moss Mansion was designed by the famous New York Architect, Henry Hardenbergh, who also designed the original Waldorf-Astoria, Plaza Hotel, The Dakota, Williard Hotel, and Copely Hotel. The Moss Mansion is operated by the Billings Preservation Society, Inc., a non-profit organization.

Paranormal Claims

  • An apparition of a little girl has been seen on the master staircase.
  • An apparitioin of a man has been seen coming down the master staircase to the main floor. Believed to be P.B. Moss.
  • Cool breezes have been reported throughout the mansion.
  • Unexplained lights have been seen in the grand parents room.
  • A female voice has been heard and recorded singing in the billiard room as a response to music investigators played during an investigation.
  • Shadows have been seen by the staff members in various rooms including the billiard room, lobby foyer, French parlor, and library.
  • An EVP of a male was captures saying "Bring Me Flashlight".
  • An apparition of a child was seen standing and watching Melville Moss as she slept towards the end of her life.
  • A paranormal investigation group recorded an EVP of an entity on the first floor indicating her name was Melville.
  • Footsteps have been heard behind the desk in P.B.'s office.



external link Billings Travel Log - This page describes available tours at this location.
external link Montana Paranormal Society Investigation Report - Here is a complete investigation report with video and EVPs by the Montana Paranormal Society.
db#449- 145