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Pennhurst State School and Hospital

Definition: Pennhurst State School and Hospital, originally known as the Eastern Pennsylvania State Institution for the Feeble-Minded and Epileptic is positioned on the border between Chester County and Montgomery County in Pennsylvania.
Pennhurst State School and Hospital, originally known as the Eastern Pennsylvania State Institution for the Feeble-Minded and Epileptic is positioned on the border between Chester County and Montgomery County in Pennsylvania. Stats for Location#: 1320
History Records: 1
Paranormal Claims: 20
Evidence Records: 0
Stories: 0

1903, the Pennsylvania Legislature authorized the creation of the Eastern State Institution for the Feeble-Minded and Epileptic and a commission was organized to take into consideration the number and status of the feeble-minded and epileptic persons in the state and determine a placement for construction to care for these residents.

This commission discovered 1,146 feeble-minded persons in insane hospitals and 2,627 in almshouses, county-care hospitals, reformatories, and prisons and were in immediate need of specialized institutional care.

The legislation stated that the buildings would be in two groups, one for the educational and industrial department, and one for the custodial or asylum department. The institution was required to accommodate no less than five hundred inmates or patients, with room for additions.

Paranormal Claims

  • Quaker Building: Numerous shadows manifest and dissipate at will.
  • Quaker Building: Doors and rocking chairs have moved without anyone being near them.
  • Quaker Building: An investigator was shoved from behind hard enough to leave a mark.
  • Quaker Building: An investigator was scratched by an unknown object.
  • Quaker Building: Objects have been thrown in the basement.
  • Quaker Building: Multiple EMF spikes have been reported. There is no electric in the buildings.
  • Quaker Building: Multiple EVPs have been recorded.
  • Limerick Building: The apparition of a woman in a old style nurse’s uniform was observed by a fire fighter, police officer and a marine.
  • Limerick Building: Multiple EVPS have been recorded.
  • Devon Building: Unknown sounds have been heard and recorded.
  • Devon Building: Multiple EVP's have been recorded.
  • Mayflower Building: Shadow people seen multiple times.
  • Mayflower Building: EVP's have been recorded.
  • Mayflower Building: Investigators have been touched in this building.
  • Tinicum Building: Multiple EVP's.
  • Tinicum Building: An Investigator had their legs touched.
  • Philidelphia Building: Loud sounds and voices heard coming form the building.
  • Administration Building: Multiple voices herd at various times.
  • Administration Building: EVP's caught what appears to be a toilet flushing, but the building has no running water or bathroom fixtures.
  • Hershey Building: Investigator heard a female child's voice on the third floor.



external link The Pennhurst Project - The Pennhurst Project is a site dedicated to the stories and memories of the people who lived and worked at Pennhurst State School and Hospital in Spring City, Pennsylvania.
external link Pennhurst Paranormal Association - Information about investigating the location.
external link Opacity Page - Opacity page for this location.
external link Weird N.J. Article - Article on Weird N.J.
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