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Pioneer Pavilion

Definition: Pioneer Pavilion, located in Mill Creek Park, is one of the oldest structures in Youngstown, Ohio. Constructed in 1821, this sandstone building served as a mill for carding and fulling wool.
Pioneer Pavilion, located in Mill Creek Park, is one of the oldest structures in Youngstown, Ohio. Constructed in 1821, this sandstone building served as a mill for carding and fulling wool. Stats for Location#: 1281
History Records: 2
Paranormal Claims: 4
Evidence Records: 4
Stories: 1
Pioneer Pavilion, located in Mill Creek Park, is one of the oldest structures in Youngstown, Ohio. Constructed in 1821, this sandstone building served as a mill for carding and fulling wool. The building was later used as a storeroom for the nearby Mill Creek Furnace, then remodeled for party use in 1893. In 1894, the woolen mill was officially named Pioneer Pavilion to honor its pioneer history. For many years it has been a popular place to hold family reunions, dances, parties and wedding receptions. Pioneer Pavilion is available for rent year-round.

Paranormal Claims

  • Photographs have captured light anomalies.
  • People have seen lights or balls of energy.
  • People have reported the feeling of being watched.
  • People have experienced cold spots.



external link Ohio Historical Plackard - Listing on Remarkable Ohio
external link Article about renovation - This building was renovated in 2009. This artcle explains the renovation completion.
db#517- 125