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Poe at University of Virginia Photos

Definition: Edgar Allan Poe attended the University of Virginia for a short time. These are photos of his former dorm room.

Edgar Allan Poe - 1809 - 1849 - Writer, poet, and critic. Was born in Boston, Mass. Orphaned at a young age, Poe was raised by John and Frances Allan of Richmond. He attended schools in England and Richmond before enrolling at the University of Virginia on 14-Feb. 1926 for one term, living in No. 13 West Range. He took classes in the Ancient and Modern Languages. While at the university, Poe accumulated debts that John Allan refused to pay. Poe left the university and briefly returned to Richmond, before moving to Boston in Mar. 1827. Some of his best - known writings include The Raven, Annabel Lee, and Tell Tail Heart. He also edited the Southern Literary Messenger in Richmond from 1835 - 1837. Poe died in Baltimore, Md.

These photos were taken by Marianne Donley - on July 16, 2017.

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