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Raoul Wallenberg

Definition: The mysterious disappearance of a Swedish diplomat who was responsible for saving the lives of at least 20,000 Hungarian Jews who disappeared in 1945.

Chance are you've never heard of Raoul Wallenberg. Few people outside of Sweden remember the courageous Swedish diplomat who was credited with saving the lives of at least 20,000 Hungarian Jews during the Holocaust. (10 times more than Oskar Schindler, immortalized in Schindler's List). Arrested on espionage charges in Budapest following the arrival of the Soviet army, his subsequent fate remains a mystery despite hundreds of purported sightings in Soviet prisons, some as recent as the 1980s. In 2001, after 10 years of research, a Swedish-Russian panel concluded that Wallenberg probably died (most likely executed by the Russians) in July of 1947, but to date no substantiating evidence has been found. He rightfully remains a genuine hero for his actions in Sweden, and to thousands of Jews around the world.


Mysterious Disappearances
db#645 - 133