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The Bunny Man

Definition: The story of a reported cryptid that is part man and part rabbit.

Of all the cryptids, werebeasts, and assorted boogeymen profiled on Listverse, perhaps none are as preposterous as the so-called "Bunny Man" of Fairfax County, Virginia. Unlike encounters with other such phantoms, which seem fleeting at best, people claim to have actually exchanged words with the Bunny Man.

The first, and seemingly most credible story, was reported by Air Force cadet Bob Bennett who was sitting in his car with his fiance in Burke, Virginia. Suddenly, a figure in white appeared, warning them about trespassing before shattering Bennett's window with a hatchet. Bob reported the incident to the police, claiming the man was wearing a bunny suit. The hatchet was lying on the floor of the car. Bennett also related the incident to his superiors at the Air Force. It seems odd that the cadet would risk ridicule and destroy his own car.

Word of the Bunny Man spread, and soon dozens claimed to have seen him. The legend morphed, until the character was seen as a ghost, or an escaped mental patient, or some variation thereof. The most popular place for Bunny Man sightings is Colchester Overpass in Virginia, an intersection of trains and traffic. Police are well aware of people loitering in this area, and should you plan your own hunt for this mystery man, you may be subject to a rather hefty ticket.

The story of a reported cryptid that is part man and part rabbit.
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