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The Mount

Definition: Wharton designed and built The Mount in 1902, based on the principles outlined in her influential book, The Decoration of Houses (1897), co-authored with architect Ogden Codman, Jr.
Wharton designed and built The Mount in 1902, based on the principles outlined in her influential book, The Decoration of Houses (1897), co-authored with architect Ogden Codman, Jr. Stats for Location#: 1062
History Records: 2
Paranormal Claims: 10
Evidence Records: 0
Stories: 2

About the Edith Wharton House

Wharton designed and built The Mount in 1902, based on the principles outlined in her influential book, The Decoration of Houses (1897), co-authored with architect Ogden Codman, Jr. This classical revival house represents the only full expression we have of Wharton's architectural interests.


Paranormal Claims

  • Strange noises and sensations where reported in the family and the old servant quarters.
  • An apparition of a servant girl was reported in one of the office rooms.
  • Actors that occupied the building in the 80’s reported seeing apparitions, dressed in period clothing, appearing and asking them what they were doing in the building.
  • The sound of a woman laughing (supposedly Edith Wharton) can be heard throughout the building.
  • People have seen a hooded apparition hold them down while they sleep.
  • An apparition of Henry James has been seen at the Mount.
  • Strange, unexplained noises can be heard throughout the building.
  • People have reported having weird feelings when they walk into certain rooms.
  • An apparition of a man dressed in a tuxedo with a pocket watch has been spotted.
  • Footsteps have been heard so loud that people have opened doors to see who is coming.


db#437- 103