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The Pushy Ghost

Definition: Christmas Ghost Story

It was the first Christmas I spent with my husband's family. We went to his oldest brother's house Christmas Eve. When we got there, they (my husband's family) told me that the house was haunted. I didn't mind because I've been in haunted houses before. They told me to be careful walking down the stairs because the ghosts pushed people down the stairs.

I was coming down stairs to look for my husband, when all of a sudden I felt like someone pushed my feet out from under me. I ended up falling down the first four stairs. After I did that, everyone came running to make sure I was okay. They asked me what happened, and I said it felt like someone pushed my legs out from under me and I just fell down the stairs.

On Christmas morning, we all got up to open presents. Everyone asked me how I was doing and I told them I was fine, but my legs and back hurt. Later, my husband told me it was because I had an oval bruise on my back and on the back of both my legs. After that Christmas Eve, I never got pushed down the stairs again or heard anything else about the ghost. - Cassie B.


Christmas Ghost Stories

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