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The Rogers House

Definition: A private residence built circa. 1884-1910 for a local area judge.
A private residence built circa. 1884-1910 for a local area judge. Stats for Location#: 1321
History Records: 1
Paranormal Claims: 8
Evidence Records: 2
Stories: 2

Not only is this location quite interesting, there is still some mystery surrounding the history of the building. There are stories that the house was built in 1884 for a Judge, while public records indicate that it was built in 1910. The problem with the public records is they don't go back farther than 1910. If you examine the foundation of the home, you can tell that it was built before the 1900's; also with the architecture and layout of the house it was a home for a prominent family.

To find out more about this location, as the history is being researched and posted, please be sure to visit and follows the blog site setup specifically for this home.

Paranormal Claims

  • In the death room (family room) the rocking chair has been reported to rock by itself.
  • In the basement, investigators have recorded a Spiritbox session where the response to who is the current President, the answer was "Nixon".
  • On the stairs, there is an entity that stays and roams up and down the stairs.
  • In the Plate Room, a medium reported getting "Bad Vibes" from the closet.
  • In the bride's room, previous investigators have seen the bride's dress move.
  • In Emily's Room, investigators have caught the name Emily on a spirit box session.
  • EVP (Electric Voice Phenomenon) have been recorded during investigations.
  • Investigator's have recorded EVP's in the bride's room.



external link Official Facebook Page - The Official Facebook Page for this location.
db#970- 113