Superstition: It is bad luck to wear the color blue onstage, unless it was countered with something silver.
In the early days of theater costuming, it was extremely difficult to make blue dye, and thus expensive to purchase. Companies that were failing would wear blue garments to try and fool their audience as to their success, and likely go bankrupt due to the cost of the costumes. The silver that countered it was proof of a successful company, as it proved to the audience that they could afford real silver or they had a wealthy backer.
Akron Civic Theater MacBeth Ghost Light Theater Superstition - Bad Luck to Whistle Theater Superstition - Graveyard Gift Theater Superstition - Unlucky Rule of Three Theater Supersition - Peacock Feathers Theater Superstition - Mirror Image Theater Superstitions - Hauntings Theater Superstitions - Wishing Good Luck