PANICd - Paranormal Database PANICd - Paranormal Database

Joseph H. Ladd Center

Joseph H. Ladd Center paranormal

Location submitted by: sdonley on 05/14/2012
DBA Approved: Y

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PANICd#: 1094

Publication date: 05/22/2012

The Joseph H. Ladd Center is an abandoned mental institution on a 331 acre parcel. It was purportedly started as a school for misfits or mentally handicapped individuals in 1908.

Exeter , RI 02822
Open to the public: No

Lat: 41.5766739
Lon: -71.6317359

Database Summary:

Demographic Rank: 5
History: 2
Stories: 1
Claims: 8
Evidence: 0
Resources: 0
Retrievals: 21221
Vistor Rating: 5.0
Votes: 1

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History information is some background and history about the location. This is meant to be a basic summary. Below the history records you will find sources in which you can click on to find out more information. There may be multiple history records per location.

The Joseph P. Ladd Center is an abandoned mental institution on a 331 acre parcel. It was purportedly started as a school for misfits or mentally handicapped individuals in 1908. The Ladd School was started as a farm colony where patients were housed in small cottages rather than in large institutions that developed later. The patients did small chores, farming, and later making clothing or other household items. The facility was closed as an insitution of the state in 1993. In 1997, the Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation was charged with the redevelopment of the former Ladd School property.

Added by: sdonley on 05/22/2012 DB#:114

The Dr. Joseph H. Ladd Center was Rhode Island's only custodial institution designed specifically for people with developmental disabilities. It existed for 86 years, opening in 1908 and closing in 1994. According to the official discharge record, 3,662 people with disabilities lived there - some voluntarily and others not - throughout the course of its history.


Added by: sdonley on 05/22/2012 DB#:115


Stories are just that. Stories and personal accounts that have been reported about the location. This section could also contain research notes as well.

Many people believe that the Joseph P. Ladd Center is very haunted. Some of the people who have visited the abandoned buildings here have witnessed paranormal activity taking place. Some of these trespassers have been sent running by the spirits here others have stayed to experience the strange activity occurring here. People say that as soon as you enter the site you get chills up and down your spine and an overwhelming feeling that your being watched by someone or something. To get into the buildings, trespassers usual have to squezze through the windows and sneak in. People have heard strange noises throughout the Ladd Center. On a few occasions strange voices were heard coming from an empty area where nobody was. A few visitors were even attacked by an unknown entity and had things they were holding knocked out of their hands. People have seen ghost here a number of times. One man claimed to see the spirit of a little girl. When he went to approach her, the little girl just disappeared right in front of him. On another night, a different man claimed he also seen a ghost, this time a woman spirit who was floating through the hallway.

Added by: sdonley on 05/22/2012 DB#: 1071

Paranormal Claims

Here are the paranormal claims for this location. These have been found through Internet research, reports from members, or reports from personal interviews. To add a claim, please contact, and we will review and add your information.

Claim # Added Added By Claim
1443 05/22/2012 sdonley Orbs have been reported in photographs.
1444 05/22/2012 sdonley Strange unexplained "streaks" have been seen and photographed.
1445 05/22/2012 sdonley Mists and hazes have been seen and photographed.
1446 05/22/2012 sdonley Disembodied breathing sounds have been recorded.
1447 05/22/2012 sdonley Wheelchairs and beds move with explanation.
1448 05/22/2012 sdonley Visitors report feeling as though they are being watched.
1449 05/22/2012 sdonley Some have reported seeing shadow figures outside of the center.
1450 05/22/2012 sdonley Strane sounds have been reported on the land durrounding the buildings at the facility.

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