PANICd Research and Invetigation Team
For each member on our team, paranormal research and investigating is more than just a hobby, it is a passion. Our team is made up of individuals who not only donate most of their time and resources to investigations, but also thrive on finding out as much information possible about a particular subject or location. |
WE DO NOT CHARGE ANY MONEY FOR AN INVESTIGATION!!! If you are experiencing unexplained activity at your home and/or business, please feel free to contact us, and we will be glad to assist you in any way we can. |
Our ApproachOur approach to paranormal research and investigations is simple. We try to research and learn as much as we possibly can about a location, conduct research and information gathering trips, and finalize the investigation with one of three different outcomes: 1) We share our evidence, research, and findings on our website for other investigators in order to allow them to conduct their own investigations and either debunk or add to the information that is gathered. 2) If it is a private investigation, we will adhere to the discreetness of the parties involved and assist them with whatever we possibly can do to solve their issues. If additional help is needed, we will stay with the client to make sure that help is brought in and a resolution to their reported issues are taken care of by either our team members or additional outside help. 3) We close and document the current investigation, perform additional research, and open a new investigation based on all of our findings. |
Equipment and TestsOur team uses various pieces of equipment during a research investigation form night vision video cameras to digital recorders. Every investigator carries a digital recorder with them during an investigation and we have often times used this method to sync up recordings. We do not limit ourselves to what equipment is being used, what we do different is how we apply the equipment and various tests that we perform. Between All Team Members we have the following equipment: -Night Vision Video Cameras |
Meet the TeamShawn and Marianne Donley - Founders (DBA/Research Investigators) Shawn and Marianne began looking into the paranormal just as something to do different on a vacation to St. Augustine, Florida. Since this was a return trip to this location, they wanted to take tours and see a different side of the city. The first ghost tour they ever took was to the infamous St. Augustine Lighthouse. "We toured this place during the day in 2006, but when we went back in 2010, we wanted to see the lighthouse at night," says Shawn. Little did they know that this vacation would start their journey into paranormal research,, and eventually Dark Shadow Ghost Tours. Shawn is the executive producer of the tours and dinners for Dark Shadow Ghost Tours and is involved with the research of the different locations. Shawn has performed all of the coding behind the database. He is an Internet Marketing consultant for small businesses and a Technology Coordinator for the same school district that Marianne teaches. Marianne is a biology teacher (and our resident skeptic) and tries to debunk as much evidence as she can. She is involved in graphic design for events and historical research for both and Dark Shadow Ghost Tours. Marianne produces the print materials and prop creation for the events as well. She is also involved in the production of the murder/mystery dinners and is our green screen photography expert. |
Kay Johnston - (Investigator) As a young child I have always had the interest in paranormal activity. My grandmother used to have visions of the future and I used to have sleep-overs with my cousin where we would witness shadow figures in the cemetery next to my aunt's house. When I first got involved with and DSGT, it was for just helping my son and daughter-in-law (Shawn and Marianne) with their business and then I found the paranormal activity and the history of the locations we visited very interesting and different. I bring to DSGT the positive attitude of having fun and helping with whatever I can to make it a success. My plans for the future is to always be there to be a team member and to help out in a positive way to continue the success of DGST that it has today. |
Andrea Rufner - (DBA/Research Investigator) I have always been fascinated in the paranormal, especially ghost and spirits, since I was a little girl. Reading and watching what information I could find about ghosts and why they may be still here. I am a daughter, wife, mother to three wonderful kids, and have many interests including scrapbooking, general crafting, reading, playing on the computer, and hanging out with my friends and family. I joined DSGT and in 2013 and look forward to many more adventures, meeting more people that have the same interest in the paranormal like myself, learning how to analyze paranormal evidence, and having fun. |
Mike and Lee Mizenko (DBA/Researchers and Investigators) For over 40 years, Mike have been researching and investigating the paranormal. Through the years, he has been involved with many groups and has performed numerous investigations. Lee has been researching the paranormal for over 30 years. In 2008 Mike met Lee on a paranormal investigation and their lives were changed forever. Not only did they team up as paranormal investigators, but they have also become husband and wife and since then have helped several people with their paranormal needs. Mike is not only an investigator that can conduct research and investigations, but he is also an ordained minister which in turn allows this team to perform house blessings and cleansings. Mike and Lee joined up with Dark Shadow Ghost Tours and in the early part of 2014 and you can visit with them on most of our tours and at our dinner shows. Not only are they paranormal investigators, but they play a key role in planning, marketing, and organizing our events. |