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Four Oaks - Christmas Haunting

Definition: A haunting at Christmas
The ghost story of Four Oaks Hall, sadly now demolished, is worth repeating. Elizabeth Pudsey, of Langley Hall, married the owner of Four Oaks, who died about 1742. But attached to her death is a mystery of mysteries, inasmuch as neither the date of her death nor the place of her interment has ever been discovered. It may be presumed that it was the ghost of this lady that haunted the Hall every Christmas, which view was strengthened when the building was demolished and the workmen employed discovered a portion of what they took to be the remains of a human being bricked up in what appears to have been a closed window in the servants' hall. This was regarded at the time as a possible solution of the lady's disappearance and a satisfactory explanation of the haunting. Alas, however, for romance, the remains were those not of a human being, but of a calf. Thus, not only was one mystery left unsolved, but another was created. How came the calf to be bricked up in such an unusual situation?


Christmas Hauntings
db#543 - 96