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Newstead Abbey - Christmas Ghost

Definition: A haunting at Christmas time.
Newstead Abbey, the ancient home of the Byrons, is credited with a galaxy of ghosts, who appear at Christmas time. Among them is the sister of the fifth Lord Byron, who has been seen again and again taking spectral rides with her brother on dark and stormy nights, vainly imploring him to forgive her, and the "Goblin Friar," who takes his nightly walks in the cloisters and halls.

For many a century Hilton Castle was supposed to be haunted at Yuletide by the "Cauld Lad"-an old-time scullion, who amused himself by breaking crockery and flinging pewter dishes in all directions.

One Christmas Eve, a scullery maid stayed up late in order to taste surreptitiously the plum puddings in the larder. She extracted a plum here, chipped off a tasty morsel there. Suddenly the hall clock struck the midnight hour, and a little figure, in scarlet cloak and green hood, appeared.

"Ye taste," it cried, "and ye taste; but ye never gi'e the Cauld Lad a taste!"


Christmas Hauntings
db#537 - 91